Graeme Hall - The UK's Leading Dogfather on Training Your Pooch Bought a Lockdown pooch? The UK's leading dog whisperer solves all your training problems!
Graeme Hall is best known as The Dogfather, star of the hit Channel 5 show Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly. Graeme has been training dogs for decades and set up his business, Dog Father Training, in 2008. In his new book, All Dogs Great and Small, Graeme shares stories from over the years, from the great Dane scared of a chihuahua and the labrador that barked whenever his owners tried to eat, to the schoolboy error that landed him in hospital. Backed up by scientific research, he'll be revealing his advice to Sunday Times Magazine Associate Editor James Palmer about how to train a happy, healthy dog. If you have a question for Graeme, perhaps about a new pooch that has joined your household during Lockdown, then email us by Monday 19th April at [email protected] and we'll aim to include it.
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