Natalie Haynes Medusa Stone Blind
Medusa is one of the most recognisable figures in Greek Myth: her face has stared out at us for millennia, from Agamemnon’s shield in the Iliad to Versace’s logo. Gorgons and gorgon heads were an enormously popular feature on ancient statues and temples. So was Medusa always the terrifying monster we have made her? The acclaimed presenter of Radio 4’s Natalie Haynes Stands up for the Classics takes you on a fast-paced tour through the history of this much-maligned character, who she was and why we still see her all around us today. With her inimitable delivery, the author of Pandora’s Jar and the new Medusa novel, Stone Blind, Natalie shows you how to survive contact with someone who can turn you to stone with a glance.