My Author Project
Part of the Festival's Schools Events, our My Author Project is a unique project that gives children the chance to adopt an author and explore the themes of their work through drama, arts and creative writing over several weeks, then share their work again with the author
About the project
Schools are invited to work with one year group or the whole school, giving everyone the opportunity to be involved, and the idea is to particularly engage children who are reluctant to read by bringing them to a love of books via a new route.
The author makes an initial visit to the school, and talks about their work. The children are then involved in up to three workshops in school during which they work around the themes of the author's book through different mediums. We provide workshops with
- Escape Arts and Judy Reaves - ART
- Playbox Theatre - DRAMA
- CREATIVE WRITING with Cat Weatherill
The author then returns to look at what the children have achieved and the children present their work - with great pride! The Project has run successfully for several years, and has been hugely rewarding for everyone involved.
Email us here if you would like your school to be involved.
I was delighted to be asked to be part of the My Author project and it was amazing to see the work the children did around the theme of Friendship. I think the project is brilliant because it helps the children engage with a book, introducing them to new ideas and hopefully inspiring them to create their own pieces of art and creative writing.

Serena Patel, Sainsbury's Children's Book Award, My Author Project 2021
Visiting the schools as part of the My Author project was fantastic – interacting and inspiring the children on my first visit was one thing, but then to see their projects, drawings, models and ideas on my second visit was really impressive. I’m so glad I took part.

Steven Lenton, author and illustrator, My Author Project 2021
It was an absolutely wonderful and unique experience to be involved in the My Author project . Even in the challenging circumstances of us just emerging from Covid Lockdown/Bubbles, the festival got me into the school for a launch event, enabling me to make a real connection with the pupils before the other aspects of the project began. Revisiting the school later to see all the amazing creative projects the pupils had completed was a total delight. Seeing the way the pupils had taken the storylines and explored them further in a wonderful variety of mediums and to feel their confidence coming through in the way they talked about books/their work was so inspiring.

Sophy Henn, author and illustrator, My Author Poject 2022
Feedback from Schools:
'Thank you so much and all those involved from The Literary Festival. We had such a wonderful afternoon with yourself and Nick Butterworth today. When we first found out who the author visiting our school would be both the staff, children and their families were very excited. The project was a lovely opportunity for the children to collaborate in a family project and promote those essential writing skills we are busy trying to apply everyday. As a school we are working hard to raise the profile of reading amongst our pupils and families. We want our children to enjoy the opportunities and magic of sharing a book. This project really inspired our children to listen to stories then create their own characters and adventures. Although the children were shy during the afternoon to read their books, they have spent time sharing the books in class and many of our children have asked for a dedicated section in the school library for their own work so the timing of this project was perfect. Today watching the children intently listening to Nick bringing his stories to life through reading was an absolute joy. We will be able to further this project and we have also set a competition for our older children who didn't participate to become authors themselves. As a school we can continue to reflect and be inspired from today and we thank ever body for working so hard. On behalf of Bishopton Primary School, we thank you all very much!'
Sophie Carter, Literacy Coordinator
'I can absolutely say that some of our reluctant readers really have been enthused with the project and, most notable to me, are those children in Y6 who are less confident at reading but who have loved Steven’s books. These children often find it difficult to engage with authors who would visit as often the books that are written for their age group are just too complex for them to access. I think this shows that the My Author Project works really well as I could see the benefit for all children across the school rather than just those who would be able to access the text.'
Rebecca Slatter, Literacy Lead, Alveston School
'The children are inspired to read more, and it enabled me to read a higher level of book to the class.'
Year 2 and 3 form teachers, Stratford Primary School
What can we say?! We can’t think of a better stimulus to fire our imaginations! The project has had a far wider impact on our children than just learning one story - the skills we have learnt about being imaginative and creative will be used in many, many stories yet to be written.

Nikki Evans, Head, Moseley Primary School Coventry
The ‘My Author’ project has given me the most wonderful opportunity to sew a seed of creativity within a local school then watch that seed blossom. Between my first visit and my second, the children were enabled by the Festival to have the most fantastic input on the book I had presented. An artist, a drama and a writing professional visited to inspire them even further. As a result of the project, the children produced the most amazing work, they were really proud of. Their teachers saw, first-hand, how they became engaged, excited and fired up to be creative too. This wouldn’t have happened without the most careful and considered planning from the Festival. It has been a pleasure to work with them on this marvellous project and I hope it can continue long into the future.

Tracey Corderoy, multi award-winning author, My Author Project 2022
My Author is made possible thanks to the support of:
The Thistle Trust, Persimmon Homes, Cala Homes, and private benefactors
Stratford Literary Festival is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation: 1164662.